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Construisons nos propres organss de pouvoir!
Vives les conseils !

1. Une fois encore, la société iraienne est à la pointe d’un développement historique de première importance. Le peuple a donné son verdict : il veut renverse le régime islamique et il est en train de le faire. Tout progrès du mouvement de masse pour rneverse le régime de la manière la mieux organsiée et la moins douloureuse dépend de la formation d’organisations par la population, des conseils, dans tous le pays.
2.  Le but des conseils, pour la population, pour les travailleurs, est de prendre le pouvoir. Les conseils sont des outils pour unifier, pour organiser la lutte révolutionnaire et libertaire des travailleurs pour abolir le capitalisme et  république islamique. Les conseils 

2-            One aim of the councils is for people and the workers to seize power. The councils are tools for uniting, organising the revolutionary and libertarian struggle of the workers and toilers in negation of capitalism and the Islamic Republic. Councils are also the organs of uprising against the Islamic Republic. Councils should be formed everywhere, locally and nationally in the neighbourhoods and work places.
3-            Councils are the most efficient, suitable and simplest organisation to unite and implement people’s power. They safeguard the direct and consistent intervention of people and must replace the power of Islamic reaction.
4-            The working class must build its councils with haste. Councils facilitate the unity of worker’s ranks, their class independence and implementation of worker’s control. Councils provide the possibility of the emergence of the working class as the suitable leading force of the movement to overthrow the regime. Socialist workers must be in the forefront of formation of the councils at work and neighbourhoods.
5-            Neighbourhood councils are of great importance at this crucial time. Even the practical experience of recent events has shown that local gatherings and protest organisations are the basic organising force in the protest movement, especially in setting up demonstrations at nights. The control of all areas must be taken over from the Islamic Republic and its suppressive forces.
6-            Worker-communism Unity Party calls upon workers and the people to build councils.

The polite bureau
Worker-communism Unity Party
23 June 2009